Michael Dunham
ASL Professor
Education - teachers at deaf schools,
professors at deaf colleges or colleges with deaf programs • Government - equal opportunity office workers, deaf and hard of hearing specialists • Health - doctors, dentists, other medical health professionals such as nurses • Interpreting - interpretation service worker for government agencies, hospitals, schools, museums, theaters, etc. • Therapy - work as a speech - language pathologist, audiologists, or occupational therapists |
Learning other languages promotes mental flexibility.
• It promotes cross cultural understanding. • Studying American Sign Language opens possibilities for meeting Deaf people at work or in the community. • Learning about other cultures will help you expand your personal horizons. • Learning about other languages and cultures can contribute to your community and country. Source: Onondaga Community College |
Image description: Michael is wearing a two-tone purple polo shirt with a cardigan over it, a galaxy-printed skinny jean, a pair red converse sneakers. He signed "ZOMBIE" with exagarrated face expression. The board has serval cartoon images. The first image on the left is a green-skinned witch with black pointy hat and yellow-stained evil smile. The next image is a smiling white woman wearing a black pilgrim hat and a brown dresss with large white collar. Her arm stretched out with palm facing up. The next image is a black bald man in black priest clothes. The final image on the right is a green-skinned zombie in a workshirt with red tie. The zombie's arms are outstretched with the hands facing forward. One eye is bigger than the other. |
ASL and Deaf CultureExplore the world of American Sign Language by learning how to communicate and develop a sense of a signing community
Body and GestureLearn how to use your body and face to express yourself in an artistic way
Emergency CrisisHow do you communicate with a Deaf person in a time of crisis. What is the appropriate approach to use when giving support to a Deaf person in need of service.